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  • 影片状态:HD高清
  • 影片主演:Beverly  Lynne    Brandin  Rackley    Christine  Nguyen  
  • 影片类型:经典片
  • 影片地区:美国
  • 更新时间:2020/5/25 1:12:10

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  • 合金魔灵-影片简介
  • Ive said this before - Wynorskis softcores are extremely hit or miss. Sometimes it feels like he phones it in and the cast is severely lacking, like in Cleavagefield, but sometimes he really hits a homerun. This is one of those homeruns.

    Devil Wears Nada is a great parody effort. It stays close to the source material while simultaneously sexing it up a few notches, and adds comedy in where appropriate.

    From the opening scene it was obvious this was going to be a Wynorski success. It looked great with the special effects, and the humorous ending of the scene was great too.

    I normally like Beverly Lynne but wasnt a huge fan of her in this role. Brandin Rackley was great with her British accent, but Christine Nguyen stole the show as far as the female talent goes. A large variety of generic babes in lesbian scenes, varying in attractiveness from downright busted looking to quite hot, rounded out the cast, but most of these women did not have significant roles.

    As is typical in softcores which pair up Frankie Cullen and Christine Nguyen, I thought their scene was the best. They have some of the best chemistry Ive seen in any softcore match ups.
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