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  • 脱衣舞俱乐部杀手

  • 影片状态:HD高清
  • 影片主演:Amber  Rayne    Andrew  Espinoza  Long    Beverly  Lynne    Dana  DeArmond    Maddy  OReilly    Paul  Case    Seth  Gamble  
  • 影片类型:经典片
  • 影片地区:美国
  • 更新时间:2020/5/25 1:11:32

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  • 脱衣舞俱乐部杀手-影片简介
  • When a strip club goer is killed, the dancers hire a bouncer to protect themselves. As the sexual tension grows between one of the women and the bouncer, the mystery of the dangerous killer unravels.
    Hiring XXX performers to enact soft-core sex roles is a popular practice dating back to the 80s, when Chuck Vincent especially gave Tracey Adams and many of his other stars opportunities to have big roles in very minor R-rated and soft-X features he cranked out for Playboy and Vestron Pictures. "Strip Club Slayer" employs this device, but untalented filmmakers create a worthless late-night-cable time-killer of little interest.
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