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  • 性阴谋

  • 影片状态:HD高清
  • 影片主演:Bob  Shaffer    Daniel  Anderson    Eric  Acsell    Kim  Dawson    Kira  Reed  Lorsch    Ray  Ray  Jay  Jr.    Stephen  Francis  
  • 影片类型:经典片
  • 影片地区:美国
  • 更新时间:2020/5/25 1:11:10

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  • 性阴谋-影片简介
  • Charlie Taylor gets a surprise release from jail after a year for a crime he denies committing. His songwriter girlfriend Randi is glad hes back and calls on an ex-boyfriend, Carl Olsen, to get Charlie a job. Carl, now a district attorney in the Malibu area, hooks Charlie up with Emma De Layle, the sultry wife of an ill but still-powerful rich man. She wants Charlie to be the middleman in a fake kidnapping of her step-daughter, Melissa, whos in on the plot because she wants cash to break free of dad and Emma is happy to have her leave. Things are bound to go wrong, and Charlie may be left holding the bag yet again. Whos pulling all the strings in this web of intrigue?
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